Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Year in the Life of a Gamer....

Well, as you can see, it's been a year since my last post, and things, they be a changing. New codexes have come and new armies have ruled the tables, Space Wolves, BAs, and now Grey Knights. New ones are on the way, Necrons and maybe Tau???? I have been busy with real life, tho, and sometimes it gets in the way of gaming. A "new" old job, with new hours, has interfeared with my gaming time, as changing shifts (evenings instead of days) has pretty much zonked any play time. On a good note, it has given me plenty of time to build a new army (Nids) and start to re-build on an old one (Tau). Of course, with some new figs (Citadel Finecast) and price increases, GW has pretty much put my buying into slow mo, for now, but, knowing in advance about this, allowed me some time to buy some stuff before the price went up, so I have plenty to work with.
As I type this, I am working on my new army for the 2011 'Ard Boyz. I'm going buggy this year, so am working on my Nids army. I have all the needed figs, at least I hope I have enough termagaunts, for a pretty good list. I have even been converting, as GW doesn't have a Tervigon model yet, but they came out with an awesome giant spider, Arachnarok, that I have, with some extra Carnifex bitz, converted into one. I must say, I think I did a pretty good job.
But, I hope to, at least once a week, keep up with this blog and take you along with me.
This is the 40K addict...

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