Friday, July 24, 2009

Planetstrike Game

Well, got in a game of Planetstrike last nite. I played defender vs Dustin's Grey Knights. I learned a lot of things.
1. Orks need to be in "bastions" when defending, as Firestorm is devastating.
2. Lobbas are better than I thought (they were the only unit that killed more than they were worth).
3. My dice rolls suck!
4. No matter how fun it can be, or devastating it could be, shokk atack guns are not worth the points.
5. My dice rolls suck!
6. Orks are poor defenders (maybe my list was poor).
7. Remember to use the Big Shootas/heavy bolters of the bastions.
8. Did I mention, my dice rolls really suck!

Overall, for the first game, it was fun. We both spent a lot of time in the Planetstrike rule book, learn as you burn. We are scheduled to play next week with reversed roles, we shall see how the boyz are as attackers!
This is the 40K addict, later.

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